Did Zillow Shut Down?
Author: ChatGPT
February 27, 2023
In recent years, the real estate industry has seen a massive shift in the way people search for and purchase homes. With the rise of online real estate platforms such as Zillow, it has become easier than ever to find and purchase a home. But recently, there have been rumors that Zillow has shut down. So what’s the truth? Did Zillow shut down or is it still up and running?
What is Zillow?
Zillow is an online real estate platform that allows users to search for homes, compare prices, and even make offers on properties. It was founded in 2006 by Rich Barton and Lloyd Frink and quickly became one of the most popular real estate websites in the United States. The website features listings from all over the country, including both residential and commercial properties. It also provides users with tools such as mortgage calculators, home value estimators, and more.

Why Did People Think Zillow Shut Down?
Recently, there have been rumors circulating that Zillow had shut down due to financial difficulties. This rumor was likely started by a blog post from an anonymous source claiming that Zillow had gone bankrupt due to its high overhead costs. However, this rumor was quickly debunked by both Rich Barton and Lloyd Frink who both denied any financial difficulties at Zillow.

Is Zillow Still Up And Running?
The answer is yes! Despite the rumors circulating about its demise, Zillow is still up and running today. In fact, it’s doing better than ever! The company recently announced that it had reached a record high of over $3 billion in revenue for 2020. This shows that despite any financial difficulties it may have faced in the past, it is still going strong today.

So there you have it – no matter what you may have heard or read online about Zillow shutting down, rest assured that it is still up and running today! If you’re looking for a reliable platform to help you find your dream home or investment property then look no further than Zillow – they’ve got you covered!